Friday, October 16, 2015

Meet Karl T. Hirsch, FlyGirls Editor

"Not only is FlyGirls an interesting facet of the American story of World War II, but it is one which has never been appropriately told before. Naturally, I was honored to join Matia and her team to create an effective trailer.

"After further research, I was quite surprised to discover that, to date, there are only a few dramatic films about strong American female military figures as protagonists. We have all seen countless war films and military films centered on male protagonists (perhaps with the occasional female supporting character).

"I believe that audiences today are quite eager for more films with strong female lead characters. I believe that they will want to learn about this part of American history. I believe audiences will want to meet these heroic women, to see them, to know them, to learn of their professional, social, and personal struggles in an era which openly oppressed independent women, and ultimately, audiences will revel in their successes, and sympathize with them in their failures.

"This is an epic project that I am thrilled to be a part of, and Matia Karrell is a filmmaker whom I greatly admire. She is an Oscar nominee, a veteran of film and television, an artist deeply in tune with the subject matter, and possessive of the acumen for creating an outstanding mini-series in FlyGirls."

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