Thursday, October 29, 2015

Major Katie McKnight Moore, U.S. Army (ret.)

"I am a retired US Army Aviator and Major. I am the daughter of a career Air Force Officer/Pilot who started his career in 1942 in the Army Air Corps. He flew 33 missions in B-17s out of England over Europe during WWII. My father's military career began at the same time the WASPs were performing their invaluable and long unheralded service to our country.

Not only did I follow in my father's footsteps as a military pilot but I also followed in the footsteps of those brave women who served as Women Airforce Service Pilots. Unfortunately the history of the WASPs has been overlooked, ignored and minimized since they served. I am so delighted to see the efforts associated with the creation of the scripted mini series Fly Girls-The Forgotten Fliers of WWII. I am proud to be able to contribute to your funding."

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