Sunday, January 15, 2017

Letters From Arthur #43: 15 July 1945, Cebu

by Jess Clackum

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="465.0"] The first successful test of the first atomic (plutonium) bomb, Alamogordo, NM (Photo: The first successful test of the first atomic (plutonium) bomb, Alamogordo, NM (Photo: [/caption]

In July, the 77th I.D. moved to Cebu in the Philippines and prepared for the invasion/occupation of Japan.  On July 16th, the U.S. Army successfully tested the world's first atomic bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico.   


Dear May & Bill,

This is the first chance I've had to write. We finished the fighting on Okinawa and we're now back in the Coconut country. For a deserved rest, so now I know I shall be able to write more freely and oftener.

Have received all of your letters and glad to know you both are well. Have you as yet moved into your new cottage? If so, send me the address. For all I know you might have established new residence already. We moved so fast in this corner of the globe it's been hard for the mail to catch up to us.

Have you heard from mom and dad or Pearl. Oh yes - Pearl did say she received a darn nice letter from you, and she's enthusiastic about meeting you both. From your letters, she surmises that you must be two swell people and she's not kidding, she isn't wrong in thinking by a long shot. I feel sure you'll be great friends. I'm getting up in the points. I need 85 and I've 71 already. Let's look forward to our meeting again by next Easter. I hope anyway.

Let's hear from you. Best regards

Most Sincerely,

As Ever


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