Sunday, July 17, 2016

Letters from Arthur #18: 9 Oct 1944, Guam

by Jess Clackum

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500.0"] Sixth Army Plan, 23 September 1944 Sixth Army Plan, 23 September 1944 [/caption]


On 7 September 1944,  Admiral William F. Halsey's Third Fleet struck Yap, the Palaus, Mindanao and the central Philippines. Air strikes continued in October against Japanese airfields on Okinawa, Formosa, and Luzon. It was estimated that more than 500 enemy aircraft in the Philippines and a similar number elsewhere, were destroyed. The success of the air campaign meant that a major landing on Mindanao was no longer necessary and that available shipping and logistical strength could now be concentrated on Leyte. MacArthur and Nimitz were instructed to cancel other intermediate operations and accelerate the planning of the invasion of Leyte which was to take place on 20 October. 


Dearest Sis May:

Have answered your last letter and I couldn't wait for your answer and so I decided that I should write again and let you know that I take this liberty of a few moments to let you know that am well and that I am yearning to write to you as often as I can.

The weather here is at its worst and certainly wish I was home to enjoy the cool climate of New York, aren't I right? Have written to Bill and as yet I haven't received any answer as yet, except for a letter on he tellingme of his transfer to Westhampton Beach which is a good break for him.

Yesterday I received a nice package from Mother in which I found an ideal bottle of expensive Lentheric for after shaving, a Schrafft box of fruit cake and a large assortment of candy and I was so surprised in its arrival since it was mailed to me when i was in Hawaii and I almost gave it up for lost but it got to me after all. So now I am sure to get all of the packages that have been mailed to me for a long time including the lovely package you mailed to me a few weeks ago and when it arrives I am sure it will make my heart jolly, and I know it will because good things to eat is scarce here.

Well Dearest May I don't know what else to write so give my love to Joan and sincerest wishes to Bill, I sure miss him very much in the meantime I'll probably write to you tomorrow so in the meantime take care of yourself and remember that I am thinking of you all of the time.

Regards to mother and dad for me.

Your loving Brother


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