Sunday, July 10, 2016

Letters from Arthur #17: 30 Sep 1944, Guam

by Jess Clackum

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="472.0"]                     U.S. Marine chats with scouting dog. Guam, August 1944.                     U.S. Marine chats with scouting dog. Guam, August 1944. [/caption]


Dearest Sis May:

Received your letter of Friday, Sept 1st and as before always glad to hear from you.

Did I tell you before that Mother and Aunt Sadie sent me packages since I left Hawaii, seven in total and I have not yet received any of them.

Thanks a million May dear for sending me out a package, yes I know the postal authorities won't allow too much of weight to go out to us here in the Pacific, I suppose its because it goes air mail. However thanks for your kind thoughts in sending the fruitcake, I'll probably get it later. And believe me we miss good cake we don't see any of it now. Here in these blamed Jungles.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="315.0"] May & Bill in the Poconos, 1944 May & Bill in the Poconos, 1944 [/caption]

Mom wrote me and told me that she heard from you. She seemed so happy when she mentioned your name. I know she feels you are the best thing that came along. She did mention that you are the one to make Bill an ideal husband and that she thought you were very sweet when you visited with her.

Your pictures taken up in the Poconos were swell, everyone thought that Bill was my twin. We can't be beat for likeness, I guess.

Give Joan my love, & my very best to you my dear and mother and dad.

Love, Your Devoted Brother


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