Sunday, June 12, 2016

Letters from Arthur #13: 23 Aug 1944, Guam

by Jess Clackum

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500.0"] U.S. Marines Captain Paul S. O'Neal (USMC) and Captain Milton F. Thompson plant the American flag on Guam just after the Marines and Army assault troops landed. (Photo credit: U.S. Army Archives) U.S. Marines Captain Paul S. O'Neal (USMC) and Captain Milton F. Thompson plant the American flag on Guam just after the Marines and Army assault troops landed. (Photo credit: U.S. Army Archives) [/caption]

In Guam-

Dearest May -

Received all of your letters and most welcomed them but after I left Hawaii I couldn't write. You see dear we were on the high seas bound for combat then came the day of Invasion and we landed on Guam.

Days of fighting continued and in spite of the fact we were tired we didn't have time to write, and then my nerves were bad you can well understand what I mean.

This was combat for my first time and I've seen so much of hell and blood, I thought of constant survival, and the Good Lord was kind to me, I was left safe and sound without even a scratch. Now the Island is secure and its all over (this campaign is anyway).

Here we are now in encampment resting up now and we certainly need it. And I intend to write to now as after as before.

Well May - now you can say that your brother Arthur has been in combat. When I come home someday I hope to anyway, I'll have lots to tell you. Mom writes me and tells me she is worried because she hasn't heard from me in a month, so you see, I couldn't write to anyone.

Glad to hear that you and Bill had a nice time in the Poconos. You two certainly deserved a reunion. When you get the chance May, will you write to Mom for me and assure her that I am quite alright and that I don't want her to worry.

By the way May - haven't you heard yet over the Radio the news about us taking Guam. Hasn't it been in the papers?

We've had newspaper correspondents with us during the campaign. Now we're to get a rest and then perhaps get in on another combat mission.

I miss you all terribly much. Honest I do. Give Bill my best also Joan. 

Take care of yourself. I could go for a fruitcake May - so long as its packed good and dry and impact so dear, if its a request you want for getting me something, try to send me this, will you?

A million thanks

Love - Arthur

1 comment:

  1. In a letter from a Navy Ensgn. on his way to Iwo aboard an amphibious Gunboat LCI(G)-466a, which was assigned to carry Marines to Iwo to detonate mines/bombs that were underwater, dated 2/13 or 2/15/1945:, “According to a revolutionary censorship reg. which came out a few days ago, we can tell where our ship has been up to 30 days before the date of writing. So---on the plane from Honolulu, we stopped at Johnston Island & Kwajalein, then to Guam where I joined the ship. Guam was certainly messed up in places---Agana town was worse than any newsreel. I saw quite a bit of the place. I’ll tell you more---probably a lot more---in the next letter." (for original footage of the Marine Bomb Disposal Operation, see see: & for a 10 min. original footage & survivor commentary of Iwo, see
